Repairable NSNs

Gas Turbines and Jet Engines, Aircraft, Prime Moving; and Components

NSN Description End Item Repairability
2840-00-105-1058 Valve Mount
2840-00-105-1279 Aircraft Gas Turbi Turbine Rotor
2840-00-105-1362 Aircraft Gas Turbine En Air Seal
2840-00-105-1620 Oil Valve Housing
2840-00-105-1621 Tube Bracket Assembly
2840-00-105-3011 Power Turbine Oil Strainer
2840-00-105-3843 Leak Duct
2840-00-105-3844 Aircraft Compressor Vane Segment
2840-00-105-3847 Aircraft Combustion Chamber Case
2840-00-105-3848 Aircraft Gas Turb Turbine Nozzle
2840-00-105-3883 Spray Manifold Half
2840-00-105-3884 Spray Manifold Half
2840-00-105-6961 Aircraft Compressor Rotor Spacer
2840-00-105-8361 Manifold Adapter Assembly
2840-00-105-8363 Ma Adapter Assembly
2840-00-105-8366 Tu Axial Compressor Disk And Hub
2840-00-105-8368 Manifold Adapter Assembly
2840-00-106-0067 Nozzle Seal Ring Flange
2840-00-106-0068 Fourt Shroud Sector
2840-00-106-0071 Secon Shroud Sector
2840-00-106-0072 Nozzle-pow First Stage Seal Ring
2840-00-106-2355 Inlet Guide Vane Assembly
2840-00-106-2356 Aircraft Gas Turbine En Fan Vane
2840-00-106-2360 Turbine Nozzle Seal Ring Flange
2840-00-106-5434 Adapter Assembly
2840-00-106-5435 Turbine En Axial Compressor Disk
2840-00-106-5436 Rotor Spacer Assembly
2840-00-106-5455 Turbine Case Assembly
2840-00-106-5458 Duct Compressor
2840-00-106-5469 Compressor Rotor Spacer Assembly
2840-00-106-5470 Compressor Spacer Assembly
2840-00-106-5471 Compressor Spacer Assembly
2840-00-106-5472 Compressor Spacer Assembly
2840-00-106-5476 Turbine En Axial Compressor Disk
2840-00-106-5479 Turbine En Axial Compressor Disk
2840-00-106-5482 Turbine En Axial Compressor Disk
2840-00-106-5484 Turbine En Axial Compressor Disk
2840-00-106-5492 Compressor Spacer Assembly
2840-00-106-5544 Turbine En Axial Compressor Disk
2840-00-106-5764 Turbine En Axial Compressor Disk
2840-00-106-5765 Aircraft Gas Turb Compressor Hub
2840-00-106-5766 Tu Axial Compressor Disk And Hub
2840-00-106-5767 Turbine En Axial Compressor Disk
2840-00-106-5768 Turbine En Axial Compressor Disk
2840-00-106-5769 Turbine En Axial Compressor Disk
2840-00-106-5770 Turbine En Axial Compressor Disk
2840-00-106-5771 Compres Spacer Assembly
2840-00-106-5772 Compres Spacer Assembly
2840-00-106-5793 Compres Spacer Assembly
2840-00-106-5794 Compres Spacer Assembly